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Sustainability and Resource Mobilisation Plan

Designed and negotiated a plan to fund/resource (including in-kind support) medium to long term programmatic work with invasive species and biosecurity in the Pacific that supports the Pacific Regional Invasive Species Management Support Service (PRISMSS). The Plan was negotiated with the six PRISMSS partners (Government and non-Government Organisations) and recognises their complimentary capabilities and

responsibilities putting into practice the objectives of the PRISMSS Declaration of Intent (DOI). The DOI is a quasi-legal document which binds the PRISMSS partners to fulfil common goals and a code of operation to which all partners are signatories. The

Resource Mobilisation Plan included identifying specific funding opportunities, a business plan, reviewing roles and responsibilities of the Partners and how they could/should work in future under the PRISMSS DOI

(also designed/negotiated/written by GHS) Declaration of Intent.

What we did and how

Dr Greg Sherley researched, designed and drafted 10 concepts for raising funds and

resources (e.g. Endowment Trust Fund) which were discussed and finally endorsed by

the SPREP clients. Concepts including specific support from PRISMSS Partners were

negotiated. Endorsement of the Plan was received by the principal current funder of the PRISMSS - New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) – after a semi-formal presentation and consultation. Two other consultant partners provided input throughout the year-long contract period.

Benefit for partners (or the client)

Specific, detailed options/concepts for raising funds were identified and rank-ordered,

which can now be confidently used to engage funders under various funding processes. A best practice business modus operandi was described – representing the views of the PRISMSS Partners.

What the client had to say/feedback

Complete satisfaction with the product and the way the document was created.

Design and negotiation of the Pacific Regional Invasive Species Management

Support Service (PRISMSS) Sustainability and Resource Mobilisation Plan

(2024 to 2030).


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