Julie is an international development specialist who demonstrates her belief in
supporting local people develop the capacity and confidence to identify and
implement appropriate solutions to address local needs.
She can contribute experience and expertise in all aspects of project management with specific skills in improving the planning, delivery and management of education services. Her skills in strategic planning, programme implementation, quality assurance, monitoring and evaluation, and operations can be applied to all sectors.
She has a Bachelor of Arts plus post graduate qualifications in Teaching English as a Second Language, Project Management, Proof Reading and Editing, and Human Resource Development.
Julie has acquired extensive field-based skills and experience during long-term
assignments in Samoa, the Cook Islands, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Namibia
and Zimbabwe. She has worked extensively across the Pacific Islands region as an
educator, a mentor, an adviser, a team leader and a program manager. She has
worked for the New Zealand Aid Programme, managing consultants (The Palladium
Group, TetraTech, Coffey, Scope Global) and volunteer sending agencies (VSA,
Julie focuses on results, engaging with local partners and experts, identifying and
managing risks, and being flexible in finding solutions appropriate for the context, the
people, and the issue.