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Jonathan Fletcher

Jonathan is an engineer, with a B.E (Hons). from Canterbury University, M.E.

(Environmental Engineering) from Auckland University and a Master’s in Public Policy

from Victoria University. He has worked in the private sector, public sector (Ministry of

Works and Development, Department of Health, Christchurch City Council and since

2009 at MFAT) and led an NGO. Jonathan combines engineering and international

development experience with a strong commitment to quality public policy.

Jonathan has lived and worked in New Zealand and Papua New Guinea, and undertaken short-term assignments in several Pacific countries where New Zealand has a bilateral aid programme. His focus has been in the infrastructure sector - ranging from water, sanitation and health (WASH) to energy and transportation but it’s his ability to think strategically during policy setting, design and planning phases and evaluations that sets him apart. He factors in climate change, gender equity and social inclusion issues, institutional strengthening, asset management and ongoing financial resourcing. His experience across many countries and subject areas means he can take and apply learnings; he understands how to develop good public policy and manage risk.

Jonathan is also involved on a voluntary basis with the governance of a New Zealand

international development NGO.


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